Welcome to my tribute to

Steely Dan in Maui

These pages was produced as a tribute to a pair of musicians that has influenced me since the early 70's. I have included links to other sites that I have visited in my search for Dan-related material. Some of the things you may find a bit far from the subject maybe, but in one way or another they are all connected to Don+Walt. Thank you for visiting this site .

"when they wrote it on the wall....."
"Steely Dan discography page"


Guestbook entry

Download Alfred Neuman's "Steely Dan Lyric Help File"
Steely help file 3.1 163
kb zip

Some remarks from the constructor:
The neat thing about the help file format, is that you can use the contents function to easily browse through the different albums/categories, and you can use the find function to search for any word in all SD Lyrics. Anyway, I think it (the help file) came out OK, but my mailbox is always open for suggestions and remarks
alfredneuman@bigfoot.com. If you want to obtain the zipfile (it's freeware), just follow the above link.

opencooksmall.gif (1493 bytes)
"Yes, I'm cashin' in this ten-cent life, for another one"

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This entire web listed on one page

Books by Brian Sweet
Brian Sweet Steely Dan Biography Brian Sweet Guide
biography and discography

Letter from Andy McKaie
VP Catalog Development & Special Markets A&R at MCA Records

sd_painting.jpg (4989 bytes)Pictures from Vancouver, Canada August 16, 1996

have you misspelled your "login-name"? Change it here

The Midi-sequence , for those who don't already know, is Home At Last. Originally on the Steely Dan "Aja" album.

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This page was produced without commercial intentions of any kind. If you , feel that you find something that is offending or violating anypersons or applicable laws please E-mail me. All mentioned products and company names are™ or ® trademarks of their respective owners. Please read the disclaimer.
Revision of December 07, 2021 - A Lost Wages Production..
