"I was Kid Clean
She was Anne de Siecle
Just a thrill away from punching through to the cosmic wow"

Please, note!
This is not a tape trading page. It's just an attempt to list every pre-Dan recording that I've come across in my search for related material. And I certainly not encourage anyone to buy this obscure material. These albums are all composed of demos cut by Walter Becker, Donald Fagen and Denny Dias before they were signed as Steely Dan. I recommend Catalyst, as it contains all the known demos in a single 2-CD set.
gap.gif (834 bytes)As you may see, there are some titles that has a blueplane.gif (871 bytes) sign. Those titles are presented on Scott Borton's Steely Dan Album Page. This page is a modified copy of his, and most of the credit for it should be on his behalf. Be sure to visit it and it's info-page.




Becker and Fagen- The Early Yearsblueplane.gif (871 bytes) 1983 VINYL
This Is Steely Dan blueplane.gif (871 bytes) ???? VINYL
Sun Mountain 1985 VINYL
Berry Townblueplane.gif (871 bytes) 1985 CD
Old Regimeblueplane.gif (871 bytes) 1987 CD
Stone Pianoblueplane.gif (871 bytes) 1988 CD
Becker and Fagen- The Collectionblueplane.gif (871 bytes) 1988 CD
Founders of Steely Dan vol. Iblueplane.gif (871 bytes) 1989 CD
Founders of Steely Dan vol. IIblueplane.gif (871 bytes) 1989 CD
You Go Where I Go 1989 CD
Featuring Walter Becker & Donald Fagenblueplane.gif (871 bytes) 1990 CD
Sun Mountainblueplane.gif (871 bytes) 1992 CD
Roaring of the Lamb 1993 CD
Spotlight On Steely Danblueplane.gif (871 bytes) 1993 CD
Roaring of the Lamb; in metal box 1994 CD
Becker and Fagen: Founders of Steely Danblueplane.gif (871 bytes) 1994 CD
Catalyst checkmark.gif (881 bytes) 1994 CD
Becker and Fagen- The Early Years 1996 CD
Art Crimes 1996 CD
Root of Steely Dan 1997 CD
Forward Into The Past 1997 CD

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Revision of December 07, 2021 - A Lost Wages Production..
